When you think of an image of a confident woman, what do you imagine?
In magazines, in stores, and almost every time we look at a screen, we see the world’s idea of a confident woman—turning heads with her control-assured smile and impeccable style. It’s no coincidence that this confidence is often for sale, in the form of a beauty or lifestyle product that will take us from a less desirable “before” to a fabulous “after.”
But in the long run, looking for affirmation from success or attractiveness is an empty pursuit. How many likes do we need on a photo or how many comments from strangers will it take for us to finally say, “It is enough—I am whole”? I promise you a million a day would never be enough to fill us.
If we trust in popularity or beauty, we’ll constantly look to others to affirm our value and desirability. Our self-worth will be repeatedly jeopardized and threatened by other women, and our confidence will be fleeting.
But there is another way.
We have a Prince who is always willing to make beautiful the women who come to Him.
The confidence He gives us reaches deeper than we even know how to let anyone touch. It’s more than just the window dressing or filter or a new accessory. It is the deep, warming glow that comes from the knowledge that we are loved and known deeply.
When a woman is loved like this, it is seen. It’s time to allow Jesus’s love to be more than enough and turn from looking elsewhere for fulfillment. He longs to tenderly nurture each of us so we can blossom in His love. It’s time to truly appreciate what Christ has done and build our confidence upon it. The love He provides never fades.

For more info on this plan, go to "Strong" by Lisa Bevere on the Youversion Bible App